Thursday, December 07, 2006

Still Working.....For Now

Somehow, I managed to keep my job this last week. Last week my work laid off ten people and to my surprise, I was not one of them. I was the last person hired so I thought for sure they would go by seniority, but they chose to take a different route. Sadly, two days later I found out I got accepted into nursing school and have to cut back on my hours at work. I am sure those who got laid off will not be happy to hear that I have to cut my hours, but I suppose that's life. I am just too happy that I got into nursing school at this point.

It's been a very quiet week here at the condo. John has been in Chicago all week and will not be back til Friday night. I miss him a lot more than I thought I would. I told myself when he said he would be leaving for a week that I was not going to be one of those women who are going to get all sappy and lonely when he is gone. I told myself it is only a week and I will hardly notice he is gone. Now, I have managed to be busy throughout most of it becuase I have been working a lot since they laid off so many people, but I do miss talking to him whenever I feel like it. Especially when I come home from work. Lucky for me though, I get to pick him up tomorrow and can hardly wait. I text him the other night telling him I missed him and I hoped he wasn't having more fun without me around....his response, "More, but I did just see the Eagles win!". When I talked to him later that night he swore he did not say "more", but he checked his sent messages and saw he did indeed say "more". He swears it was supposed to say nope. It was hysterical. We were laughing for about 10 straight minutes.

Before John left, we went and saw Barenaked Ladies in concert, which was outstanding, and managed to get our Chirstmas tree set up. It looks beautiful even with only 20 or so ornaments on it!! We leave for Key West in a few weeks and can hardly wait. It will be nice to spend New Year's somewhere warm and I am gald I will finally get to meet the rest of John's family.


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