Monday, May 07, 2007

My New Addiction

As many of you know, I LOVE vanilla!! Whether I am smelling it, wearing it or eating it, vanilla is my very, very favorite flavor/scent. Now, what many of you might now know, is that milk is one of my most favorite-ist drinks. Now imagine my delight yesterday, when John and I were walking through Costco and one of the samples was organic vanilla milk!! Not chocolate milk (yuck) but VANILLA MILK. Needless to say, being the incredible man that John is, he bought us a package of 18 of these little cartons of heaven. SO YUMMY!!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Yay For Summer

The summer movies have started!! I am very excited. We just saw Spiderman 3 and it was great. The next amazing movies to come out; Pirates, Transformers and of course, my personal favorite, Harry Potter!!! Oh yeah, don't forget about the release of the last H.P. book after the movie too. Good thing I am easy to please :)